  1. Prices
    Prices vary by services requested and size and type of dog. Please call (309)698-8266 for a price quote.
  2. Full Service Groom
    Full service grooming includes bath, ear cleaning, hand drying, brush out, nail trim, and a full haircut. Ear plucking and anal gland expression are done on request only.
  3. Feet Face and Fanny
    Feet, face and fanny is for a dog that doesn't need a full hair cut. It includes bath, hand drying, nail trim, ear cleaning, with trimming on feet, face, and sanitary areas.
  4. Bath, Brush and nails
    For dogs that need no trimming. It includes bath, hand drying, ear cleaning, nail trim, brushing and desheding.
  5. Nail Trims
    We offer nail trimming and nail grinding by appointment.
  6. Ear cleaning and/or plucking
    Ear cleaning and plucking can be done as an individual service.